Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Change from Eclipse to Notepad++

Decided to go with Notepad++ to rough it out. Eclipse is eating way too much power on my poor laptop.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Installing Ruby on Rails is easy?

Installing Ruby is easy? No way!

After 2 days of figuring out how to install, I concluded that Ruby on Rails on windows documentation in regards to Windows are very limited due to the complexity of the things needed. If you got a Macbook, you got a good start. If you got a Windows, good luck.

After some scratching of heads, I managed to install using Railsinstaller, as it seems to be the only windows installer that is easy to use. Download, and it runs!

However, do note that the Ruby and Rails are not updated in the version Rails installer 2.1. Hence, the following message 'DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle'.

This message appears EVERYWHERE when I key in Ruby/Rails commands. There are options to comment the message away, but it serves to remind the user to update them.


Will blog the errors i face for further sharing.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Hello World

Yes. This is the very first blog post for this blog.

 The objective of this blog is to keep track of my progress in learning and development of RoR (Ruby on Rails).

Some introduction on me. I used to have programming lessons such as Visual Basic 6.0 (yes! ancient!), JSP (Java Server Page), HTML and some CSS. But that was more than 15 years ago and they have kind of been forgotten. However, I do proud myself in learning a lot of programming concepts during those days. I am currently in a software house as a consultant gathering requirements in building their in-house software. And being in the software trade for near to 6 years, I want to get my hands dirty by building my own software. Being an adult learning new programming skills is going to put me through the whole mill of learning again. But as they say, "You are never too old to learn new things".

 The end objective of all these? Eventually I want to start my own business building software and what better way then to start being a software master on my own. The route will be met with difficulties, and eventually I might give up. But even if I don't get to complete a working commerical product, at least I managed to learn a new programming language. Heck, every route will have its obstacles and I want to document them down in this blog.

The tools
1. RoR as the server programming language
2. Eclipse as editor
3. Windows 7 laptop

 I will be using the trusty Internet and books from local libraries to help me in learning RoR. Why RoR? I did considered, other server languages. My current company uses Coldfusion, but I find it too expensive (enterprise license) and buggy. ASPX .net and JSP was tinkered with, and I find it too complex and too little documentation on these. So, after some consideration, I decided to use Ruby because it is a new language to me as well, and I can take this chance to learn something new.

After that, I need to decide with editor to use, so it took me some time, but I decided to use Eclipse. I considered Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (because of my past experience with Visual Basic 6.0), but realised it has totally a new interface. And with the new programming concept, MVC, it is all the more confusing. So I decided to go with a basic open-source programming editor. Why not Ruby specific programming editors? After tinkering with some editors, I decided I need something that is more flexible and enables me to add in other programming mix into the RoR.

The end objective is after all to develop something usable. And hence, I will conclude my first blog post, of why I am here, along with my reasoning. Wish me luck in programming!